After fairness creams, now this

After a couple of decades of fairness creams, containing everything from aloe vera to vitamin M to rabbit’s foot…. now this…. a cream for the elbows….. With Fair and Lovely ruling the roost, and many me-toos following….

As a person who has done a lot of distasteful research into the fairness creams category, I am tickled by this new product.

I’d be very interested in knowing how they position this brand. The fairness cream market is very large and the need for fairness spans across income groups and regions. What about elbow creams ?

1. Is the average fairness cream consumer (I refer to the typical Fair and Lovely consumer) ready for this ? Will she be willing to shell out big bucks for an elbow cream ? Money which can otherwise be spent on further bleacing of the face….

2. If a low income consumer will not buy elbow creams, then will NoMarks be targetted at the higher end ? Is Nomarks a brand that a say, Revlon consumer will buy into ?

3. According to all available data, fairness creams are family-usage products (and not used by the young unmarried female of the house alone, as many believe)….. this in a way, justifies the outlay on the product. What about elbow creams ? I somehow cannot see Daddy’s elbows and big brothers elbows as being significant in the scheme of household purchase decisons….

4. The need for fairer elbows must be a niche need – a self-actualization need, as opposed to the purely physical and social need satisfied by fairness creams…..

I can almost picture the ads….

The city boy rejecting the fair-skinned girl…. the village astrologer mouthing inane words of wisdom….. and the harried dad worrying, will my daughter ever get married….

And the daughter herself saying, Oh God, why did you curse me with dark elbows ?

Will the marriage market survive this now ?

What about cricket commentary ?

Even worse, the pretty young wanna-be air-hostess being ignored during the interviews for her dream job…… guess what comes to her rescue ? Elbow Creams….. Have Smooth and Fair Elbows…. and Fly High ?

Exactly what insecurity will elbow creams play on ?

I wait for the ads with anticipation….