The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form

Delightful discovery – through ResearchBuzz – an online dicitonary which gives definitions as limericks. Not all of them are amusing – as this one for ‘assistance’ “Where is the assistance? There’s naught!” Cried a man whose whole fam’ly was caught In tsunami waves vast Cataclysmic! too fast To flee tragedy nature had wrought. Author :… Continue reading The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form

Professional partying

I had blogged about a job description my husband received sometime in October 2003 – My husband received a job description today on e-mail, sent by a ‘leading’ placement consultant (what are they called these days, I can’t keep track). Among the required (not even desired – required) qualifications for a Business Development Manager were… Continue reading Professional partying

The Blog Mela is delayed

Apologies, my reading public. I am having trouble with my blog and therefore, unable to post this week’s Bharateeya Blog Mela today as promised – it is all ready and should be up tomorrow morning – hopefully by then I will have stopped hyper-ventilating because of my blog’s misbehaviour… Apologies again….

Children as mine workers

More than a million children work in mines, says a report from the Science Blog… “Because the money they earn is crucial to ensuring that they and their families survive, many are unable to attend school at all. These children are digging for survival,” the UN International Labour Organization (ILO) says. Read on…

On being a woman and a daughter…

A couple of random thoughts – in my mind, they are loosely filed under ‘culture’ and the kind of social discourse and attitudes it can foster.. One is on the rape-marriage incident that Uma has written about. There is a thought-provoking discussion going on around this topic on her blog – one observer has asked,… Continue reading On being a woman and a daughter…


Leave your children alone

Are we stifling our children with too much care, asks Bageshree S in The Hindu. Are parents stifling creativity snd independent thinking in their child(ren)? Is this the fall-out of the smaller-families-fewer- children system? Large families = more heads and mouths to worry about? Fewer children + absence of other family members (grandparents, aunts and… Continue reading Leave your children alone

Nominations for BBM

blogmela Originally uploaded by Road Blog. Update : please send in your nominations by 6 p.m. this evening. Reminder call to send in your nominations for this week’s Bharateeya Blog Mela. To read more on the BBM and to drop your comments, click here (Yippee, this post is sticky – thanks Harini)
