Stories on stories

Children do it best – launch into a story when asked a question. I believe it is a natural thing for adults could do it too, given time and comfort in the situation. Some links I have been hoarding on stories (for future reading, I promised myself at the time of saving them long long… Continue reading Stories on stories

Play as research

Lorenz at Antropologi has a very interesting link to play as research method – how do we best get data from children? Using insights gained from observing children at play, getting them to produce stories and drawings can be much more productive than merely getting verbal data from them. It keeps their interest levels high… Continue reading Play as research

Reflections from a cruise

Here are the promised posts and photographs from my cruise – Cruising on Superstar Libra. And an associated question – Going local… to what extent? Do read.

The ethnographer as an outsider

I keep coming across this debate in ethnography methods about which kind of researcher is better: an external expert, researcher, observer, stranger to the local context. providing an etic perspective to the research and data needs? or a local informant – researcher, comfortable and familiar with the socio-cultural context, informing the research process with an… Continue reading The ethnographer as an outsider