Bachelor of what degree?

Found this piece that Uma has linked to – Andre Beteille in the Telegraph about Intellectual Capital in India that needs to be rebuilt from a different perspective – and quickly – through good quality undergraduate education… Brought back many memories of my own undergraduate days. The time when I managed to disgrace my family… Continue reading Bachelor of what degree?

The MBA game

If you are an MBA basher, you might find this article from Economic Times interesting – B-Schools mean wrong training only. The debate on the relevance of business schools refuses to die down. In the past, various academics – including Henry Mintzberg of McGill, Jeffrey Pfeffer of Stanford-GSB and Warren Bennis of University of Southern… Continue reading The MBA game

The education “system”

Update: Came across this very interesting piece on Robert Paterson’s blog. It ends with In short: As connectedness transforms knowledge, our education system is swinging–running–in the other direction. Do read it fully – Robert has linked to the original piece by David Weinberger there on his post. Found two pieces of writing on the education… Continue reading The education “system”