The MBA game

If you are an MBA basher, you might find this article from Economic Times interesting – B-Schools mean wrong training only. The debate on the relevance of business schools refuses to die down. In the past, various academics – including Henry Mintzberg of McGill, Jeffrey Pfeffer of Stanford-GSB and Warren Bennis of University of Southern… Continue reading The MBA game

The education “system”

Update: Came across this very interesting piece on Robert Paterson’s blog. It ends with In short: As connectedness transforms knowledge, our education system is swinging–running–in the other direction. Do read it fully – Robert has linked to the original piece by David Weinberger there on his post. Found two pieces of writing on the education… Continue reading The education “system”

Children as mine workers

More than a million children work in mines, says a report from the Science Blog… “Because the money they earn is crucial to ensuring that they and their families survive, many are unable to attend school at all. These children are digging for survival,” the UN International Labour Organization (ILO) says. Read on…

Leave your children alone

Are we stifling our children with too much care, asks Bageshree S in The Hindu. Are parents stifling creativity snd independent thinking in their child(ren)? Is this the fall-out of the smaller-families-fewer- children system? Large families = more heads and mouths to worry about? Fewer children + absence of other family members (grandparents, aunts and… Continue reading Leave your children alone