My husband received this sms last evening from a client who has recently moved abroad – HI (NAME SPELT WRONG) HW R U? Nice ‘thinking of you’ message – except 1. this was not written by a 13 year old, as you may have immediately thought (as I did – what with the all caps… Continue reading HW R U?

“Make with others”

SK has blogged about Googlinglish, Google’s on-line translator tool – wherein you can translate chunks of texts or the whole contents of a web page into different languages. The translation can be done between English and French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portugese, Korean, Chinese and Japanese. Additionally, it can translate between German and French too.. He… Continue reading “Make with others”

The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form

Delightful discovery – through ResearchBuzz – an online dicitonary which gives definitions as limericks. Not all of them are amusing – as this one for ‘assistance’ “Where is the assistance? There’s naught!” Cried a man whose whole fam’ly was caught In tsunami waves vast Cataclysmic! too fast To flee tragedy nature had wrought. Author :… Continue reading The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form