Taking to the net

Spain’s barefoot nuns put faith in YouTube to find new convent recruits, reports the Guardian. It goes like this – For the 11 remaining “Barefoot Carmelite” nuns at the San Jose convent in Ecija, near the southern Spanish city of Seville, the future looked grim. The Mother Superior was persuaded by friends to put up… Continue reading Taking to the net

Massage in a bottle

Several bottles really. Here I am at the aryavaidyasala at Cochin, having placed myself – literally – in the hands of the doctors and therapists here. Unlike my last stay at the same hospital at Aluva a couple of years ago, this time my pain levels are terribly high and energy levels proportionately very low.… Continue reading Massage in a bottle

Categorized as My World

The loyal-ties that bind

I had two close encounters with loyalty programs in the last few days. The first was at my neighborhood beauty parlour (nowadays called salons). You know the kinds I mean, a ground floor flat in an old building… the glass door, the pink walls, old issues of Femina and either the place or the proprietor… Continue reading The loyal-ties that bind

Easy money

My discovery of the week – Indianbillgates – spotted on large hoardings near Vishakapatnam airport. Making money through the internet, it said. And then, how could I resist? it also talks confidently about – 10 Lakh email ids – Genuine & Own gathering. (Note the notes of various denominations on the hand at the back,… Continue reading Easy money

Categorized as Indiawatch

Why should politicians resign?

Why are people so elated over the resignation of the politicians “responsible” for the Bombay attacks? For once, something concrete has happened, I keep hearing – heads have rolled, CM, Deputy CM, Home Minister of Maha, Home Minister blah blah – so tell me someone, why is this punishment? Off you go, you are no… Continue reading Why should politicians resign?

Categorized as Indiawatch

More on the harem theme…

At Topkapi Palace, helpful signs pointing out the way to the harem… (truth is, I paid for this harem tour, s that is the least they could do – lead me in the right direction) Earlier : the sheikhs shop here…


Mumbai Mirror carried this photo today – It’s Over! Here is something I had taken a few months ago at the same spot. Who would have thought – a commando where ordinary Bombayites walk past everyday?

Categorized as Indiawatch

The small incident in Bombay

bade shahron mein aise ek adh hadse hote rahte hain. Woh 5,000 logon ko marne aye the lekin humne kitna kum nuksan hone diya – such small incidents happen in big cities like Bombay – they had come to kill 5000 people but we ensured minimal damage. This from Maharashtra Deputy CM RR Patil. From… Continue reading The small incident in Bombay

Categorized as Indiawatch

TV reporting of Bombay

I am watching Rajdeep Sardesai asking questions to the CNN IBN team out on the streets in Mumbai, reporting live from the scene of the attacks. Asking the questions, and suggesting the answers himself, quickly before the reporter has had a chance to open her mouth. And Barkha Dutt, on the other side, that is,… Continue reading TV reporting of Bombay