Ayurveda at Ayush

I have been interested in the idea of Ayush since I first heard about it – a collabortion between Arya Vaidya Pharmacy in Coimbatore and Unilever. I was tempted to visit the local centre in Vashi for a while now, but somehow I was sceptical about the idea of corporatized Ayurveda. I mean, how authentic… Continue reading Ayurveda at Ayush

Categorized as My World

Looking back…

SelAm tags me on a meme he says is so last year – All you have to do is select and upload one photo that you have clicked this year that is special to you. Could be anything…aesthetic, technical or personal. Also, put in a short note why it is special. My favorite from last… Continue reading Looking back…

Categorized as Travels

Hay threshing jugaad

I finally saw washing machines being used for making lassi in Amritsar and I thought I had seen jugaad at its best – till this recent experience on the roads in rural Karnataka – stacks of hay and wheat(? rice?) laid out on the road early in the morning, passing heavy vehicles threshing them, free… Continue reading Hay threshing jugaad

Categorized as Indiawatch

Holiday season feasting

I had written a piece on Mohammad Ali Road – that appeared in this edition of Taste & Travel magazine along with another article on Shekhawati. Here is the iftaar piece… Don’t worry, you will smell it much before you see it, said my cabbie when I asked him to drop me close to the… Continue reading Holiday season feasting

Categorized as In Print

Outbargaining Bill bhai

I am sure you have all read this one by now – How to Negotiate like an Indian — 7 Rules – Anything you found particularly fascinating? Like this line for instance? Hotmail founder Sabeer Bhatia, a CA transplant from Bangalore, credited the bargaining skills he learned in vegetable markets at home for getting Microsoft… Continue reading Outbargaining Bill bhai

Categorized as Indiawatch

Summer of the tiger

Published in HT Brunch (Dec 09) as Burning Bright… As always, link available online for a week – so here is Burning Bright, page 1 and 2. The park opened in October after the rains and if you have not been to Ranthambhore yet, now is the time to go…

Categorized as In Print

Village resource centres from ISRO

Catching up on reading and writing… The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has established 291 Village Resource Centres (VRCs) to provide integrated services, including tele-education, tele-medicine, natural resources information and skill development in rural India – digitalopportunity And from ET, Soon, Indians can buy over-the-counter (OTC) drugs from post offices. In order to increase the… Continue reading Village resource centres from ISRO

Categorized as Technology