Hot Bombay, cool Matheran

Okay, so I am linking again. So? As Bombay gets hot and hotter, here is a post on cool, green Matheran at Itchy Feet. Different viewpoint, same view…

Multitasking mobile worshipping generation?

This week’s cover story on Time certainly seems to say so. [Link through ‘Putting people first’ – the multitasking generation] The story focusses on the ability of today’s kids to multitask with respect to technology, and what’s all that digital juggling doing to their brains, family life… So, are kids too wired for their own… Continue reading Multitasking mobile worshipping generation?

Categorized as Technology

Are kids too wired?

This week’s cover story on Time certainly seems to say so. [Link through ‘Putting people first’ – the multitasking generation] The story focusses on the ability of today’s kids to multitask with respect to technology, and what’s all that digital juggling doing to their brains, family life… On the positive side, Gen M students tend… Continue reading Are kids too wired?

Heart attack at a young age

I saw a comment from Bubby on my earlier post on mobile manners saying that the person behind the campaign Mahesh V of O & M Bangalore has has passed away of a massive heart-attack. And today, I learnt from creative criminal that Mahesh was only 32. Heart attack at 32. Last night, I mentioned… Continue reading Heart attack at a young age

Categorized as My World

Gesture-based keyboard from HP

HP Labs, based in Banaglore has announced a pen-based technology that will allow the Kannada script to be recorded and stored directly in the computer without the use of a conventional keyboard. From the article in Business Standard, The technology, which is also called the gesture-based keyboard (GKB), has been developed by researchers at HP… Continue reading Gesture-based keyboard from HP

Categorized as Technology

Maid in India

Can someone who doesn’t even know how to read or write use a computer? Microsoft Corp. is probing that question at a research lab in India. Microsoft seeking ways to help illiterate. That is promising. And then this… Working with a local advocacy group, Microsoft has developed a prototype of a system that would connect… Continue reading Maid in India

Categorized as Indiawatch

Mind your mobile manners

There is a saying in Tamil… roughly translated means, to first pinch the child and then rock the cradle… or – the troubleshooter is the troublemaker… And that is what Hutch, soon to be followed by other mobile phone operators are doing with their Mobile Manners communication campaign. Hutch now, Airtel and others soon. I… Continue reading Mind your mobile manners

Windows by Microsoft?

When you have nothing to say, link it. Even better, cross-post. (In less polite circles, also known as ctrlC-ctrlV, but I did say ‘Windows by Microsoft?’ – if you have read this already, apologies, just read it once more). Just writing of all that food has me down with food poisoning (not kidding). So here… Continue reading Windows by Microsoft?

Romeo and Eve on blank noise

Blank Noise has the blog-a-thon 2006 going, inviting stories and thoughts from people about the problem of street harassment. People, because men need to speak out on this as much as women do. I was waiting to attend the Blank Noise meet in Bombay before I posted on this. Some thoughts from there. The idea… Continue reading Romeo and Eve on blank noise