Post updates

‘A time to reflect’ feels neglected. I have been busy elsewhere. Read my piece on indibloggies The Great Indian blog bhelpuri (continued here). In this post, I have argued that for a blog to stand out amidst the clutter, it is essential to focus on content. In other words, be a specialist blog. And this… Continue reading Post updates

A rupee a day

But what I do? What can an individul do? Anuradha at Project Why believes that not only do individuals matter but even single rupee contributions to a cause do. Which is why this plea for a rupee day donors. If you have not heard of Project Why, please read about it here and here. Pwhy… Continue reading A rupee a day

My ‘Mindspace’ blog

Announcing my new blog Mindspace at wordpress. While regular programming will continue here as usual, Mindspace will have more focus on my work areas – qualitative research, ethnography, design and usability, innovations, new technology and such. Do head there for a dekko. Suggestions and feedback welcome and if nice, much appreciated. **** My first real… Continue reading My ‘Mindspace’ blog

The mobile is the message

Being sent to your bedroom used to be a punishment: now it’s a teen dream. Through personal computers, mobile phones and gaming consoles, teenagers are spurning antisocial angst for a culture of “connected cocooning”, reports the Guardian (link via textually). The article on textually continues, The mobile phone, especially, has become an integral part of… Continue reading The mobile is the message

Most likely exam questions

21 MOST LIKELY QUESTION SETS STD – X SOLD HERE I was passing by and I just had to stop at this shop window. And I just had to take out my mobile phone to take this picture. In the course of research, I have come across students who believe that school is just a… Continue reading Most likely exam questions


Sadak Chhaap by Meher Pestonji

Scary says Aparna of newsinlimerick – about this article in The Telegraph. Ants nibble at hospital patient’s eye. I have just finished reading Meher Pestonji’s Sadak Chhaap, a hard-hitting account of the life of street children. And I thought of the book now because that is how the “hero” of the book Rahul first discovers… Continue reading Sadak Chhaap by Meher Pestonji

Normal is…?

“Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for – in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to… Continue reading Normal is…?

Bloggers are people too!

I am feeling increasingly uncomfortable about all the “power of blogging” chest thumping going around. Look at our muscles, just look at how we bloggers have set the biggies to their heels. Atleast in India, bloggers are a very small, almost miniscule proprotion of internet users, who are a very small percentage of the population… Continue reading Bloggers are people too!