Ladies Special

I came across this bit in a travel magazine recently about rooms for female travelers at the Movenpick Hotel in Hanoi. Sounded interesting. I have traveled enough on work and been alone at enough hotels in strange towns to know what feels like to hear that random knock on the door in the middle of… Continue reading Ladies Special

Six and then some

‘A time to reflect’ turned six – the day came and went and I missed it as always. Any way, here is happy sixth birthday to my blog. The blog birthday resolve is to, well, blog. More regularly, more seriously. Ahem. In the meanwhile, all I said when ATTR turned five still remain true. Some… Continue reading Six and then some

The dying art of commenting

In Problogger, this fantastic line from I Came, I Saw, I Commented: Was It Worth It?– From Jane Austen: ‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a blogger in possession of a good domain must be in want of some worthwhile comments’. A great post that asks, and answers the question – Is it worthwhile… Continue reading The dying art of commenting

Write me a letter

The Telegraph has an interesting list of 50 things that are being killed by the internet. I agree completely – for instance, this on top of the list – The art of polite disagreement – The most raucous sections of the blogworld seem incapable of accepting sincerely held differences of opinion; all opponents must have… Continue reading Write me a letter

Categorized as Technology

Why blog when…

– you can share on google reader things that are possibly of little interest to anyone else? – you can update your status on facebook for the world to know your moods and what you had for dinner last night and how bad the traffic this morning is? – you can be a twit instead?… Continue reading Why blog when…

Happy Ganesh Chaturti!

I have been busy moving city and home and handling all the stress that comes with it – for those of you who don’t know (and why don’t you?!), I have moved to Bangalore. Hope to get back to blogging here soon. I am at the hotel, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for the luggage to… Continue reading Happy Ganesh Chaturti!

Categorized as Pot-pourri

Seeking your vote…

All ye who visit ‘A Time To Reflect’, all ye who leave nice comments, all ye who lurk quietly on these pages and all ye who read this blog through an aggregator, now is the time to come to the aid of the needy and deserving. The husband and I hope to participate in this… Continue reading Seeking your vote…

Categorized as My World

Bombay baarish…

…sounds so much better than Mumbai monsoon, no? Anyway, the free ride is on and it is a lovely rainy evening and so what better time to head to Marine Drive? The sea link bridge has heavy slow-moving traffic, despite Amul’s latest ad that says ‘no jam, only butter’. I kept my eyes peeled for… Continue reading Bombay baarish…