January 26, 2025


You can contact me for writing and blogging assignments at charukesi (at) gmail.com – you can read more about me and see my portfolio here

I am also always happy to hear from people who have taken the time to drop by this blog. Unless you are selling er, enhancement tools or offering me no-strings-attached money from Nigeria. Nothing personal, mind you.

I am also not interested in advertising on this blog or link exchanges of any kind. So please do not write to me with such offers.

The rest of you, please email me at charukesi (at) gmail dot com and I promise to write back as soon as possible.

You can also follow me in other places on the www:

~ twitter
~ facebook
~ flickr

Comments policy

If you like what you see here, do leave a comment or three. Please know that personal / nasty comments will be immediately deleted. So will comments that feel remotely like spam, including those with a list of websites or urls, and unreasonably lengthy ones.

I do not like to get into protracted debates (I do, actually, but not with you) on this blog on political or even personal views – it is just not meant to be that kind of space.

Keep dropping by!

25 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Hey,
    Are you my alterego, by any chance? :o)
    I go by the name Itchy Feet in most of the travel forums – now I know whom to blame if I find that name taken already. :o)
    Loved your blog.
    A quali researcher by profession and an intrepid traveler by passion, I just started writing a blog. Do check it out.

    Keep writing. And travelling.

  2. Just figured out from your portfolio that you are a market researcher as well. Okay, that’s uncanny. And that reiterates my belief – you are my alterego. 🙂

  3. Hi Charu, just stumbled upon your blog accidentally and was thrilled to see it was you…..Really liked your writing, great narration and great pics…great job 🙂

  4. Hi,

    Trust you are well!

    Let me take this opportunity to introduce ourselves.

    We (www.stylerug.net) are a fashion and lifestyle blog based out of New Delhi and have been prominent in the market via our work.

    We are working on improvising the look of the blog and including few more segments to it, travel being one of them.

    We are looking for someone to contribute few articles to that particular section and was wondering if you would have any interest in it. Considering that we are still finding out feet in the market commercially, this proposal has no financial gain per say, but we can give you the credit for the same and give connecting links of your blog on every story.

    Do let me know, if you would want to contribute in any manner.

    Look forward to a positive response.


    Sandeep Verma
    Founder Blogger

  5. HI,

    We are an small ecotourism company based on Northeast India and are interested in advertising in your blog. Do let me know if this is possible and the minimal charges you can offer us.


    Vaivhav Todi

  6. I would like to invite you to the Kerala travel Mart 2014.Which will be held on 18,19 20th September in Kochi, Kerala.This a mega biennial event showcasing Kerala to the world.
    kindly send me your e-mail id so that i can send you further details.

    Thank you
    Asha bonney
    KTM PR/Media co-coordinator

  7. Hi..My name is Mariam and I’m a representative for a travel agency. We are looking for bloggers who could write about our Travel Company and promote us too. We are also providing incentives in the form of vouchers/goodies . Please do revert back if you like to be a part of our project.
    Thank you!

  8. Hi Charu, being a newbee in blog writing in genre similar to yours, i.e., travel and photography, i am truly inspired by your work, style of writing, and enthusiasm. The flawless and aesthetic way you put down in words the rich experiences of your travel is commendable and inspiring for me.

    If i get an opportunity, would definitely like to get some tips from you.
    Keep up the good work.
    Arundhwati B.

  9. loved the website and the blogs! went through some Charu. Really cool – the stuff you have done. Good luck! 🙂

  10. Hi. Actually I was searching for guidance to venture on travels. We( me&husband) are in our sixties. Will u pls give me tips. I must warn you ofcourse, I am a novice both at traveling and chatting online.

  11. Hi,

    Hope you are doing great!

    I am Alishba, works for an online digital marketing agency Futuristic Artists
    I came across your site charukesi.com and got impressed with the frequent updates on it
    Wondering if you accept sponsored blog posts on your blog?Kindly let me know price per post
    Also, let me know price per in-content text link placement on an existing blog post of your site


  12. Hello ma’am!
    My name is Komal Shinde and currently am pursuing my Masters in Communication and Journalism.
    Am actually doing research on analyzing the problems female bloggers face while sharing their experiences online through a blog.
    So if I send you a questionnaire on your email ID would you be interested in a zoomcall regarding the same.

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