I hope my employer never sees this

Happy Monday Morning… A week into work, this is what I come across…

Dilbert rules!

(From here)

Working from home – and rather infrequently, my msn messenger handle was ‘Say NO to deadlines’. Time to change that now…? And this is a good reminder to put up the usual disclaimer on my blog – have done so.


  1. Hi Charu
    I think it is wise to say as little as possible about work on your blog. I remember that the famous dooce blog woman was fired for saying that she didn’t like her co-workers. That is always a mistake. But nothing on you blog that I have read would raise any eyebrows.

  2. Michael, I know what you mean – have been working on my own for so long – so it didn’t realy matter much what I said on my blog – but now with a full time job, need to be every careful! personally, I dont like the idea of using a blog to criticize one’s employers – seems rather underhanded to me – if there is an issue, it needs to be resolved directly and not this way…

  3. A post on jill/txt reminded me of your entry and the question how much you should/could write about your work situation. Jill is one of Norway’s most famous bloggers and has recently become head of the Department of Humanistic Informatics at the University of Bergen: “Quite often, being head of department stinks”, she writes openly (maybe a good sign regarding democracy at this university!)

  4. Hi Charu,
    Corporate blogging is always a tricky thing. One can never be too careful… One may inadvertently reveal company secrets, or the words may be taken out of context by the press. A lot of Microsoft employees blog (the most famous being Robert Scoble) and they generally carry the disclaimer.

    I would definitely like to blog on some of the technical aspects of the work I do at my company, but I don’t think it has a blogging policy or anything.

  5. Lorenz, yes Jill was rather forthright on the blog 🙂 unfortunately most of us cannot afford to be so… maybe because she is in an academic environment and not corporate…. don’t know!

    Srikanth, actually I am not even talking about corporate blogging here – it is more about being careful of what one says generally on one’s blog… yeah, it gets really tough and tricky when senior people in large corporates blog…

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