Caught in the web

Smart mobs has a link to some interesting research on our interaction with the internet – so, are you and the Internet a thing? A new poll shows that nearly 1 in 4 Americans say the Internet could be a stand-in for a significant other for a period of time. Among singles, the percentage was… Continue reading Caught in the web

Categorized as - Internet

Bangalored no longer?

Time has this interesting article – India’s Call-Center Jobs Go Begging – about how young graduates are no longer interested in these once-attractive high-paying jobs. Young people say it is no longer worthwhile going through sleepless nights serving customers halfway around the world. They have better job opportunities in other fields. Kiran Karnik, president of… Continue reading Bangalored no longer?

Categorized as Indiawatch

New blogs

Here are two great new blogs I came across recently – Ideas for development – an international group blog meant to stimulate debate on development issues. [through LSE’s media blog] and a blog devoted to creativity and innovation – get FreshMinds blog – ideas so fresh they could be slapped – heh! [through the Innovation… Continue reading New blogs

Skirting the criminal

First there were pepper sprays and karate moves – The Age now writes about this Japanese skirt to ward off crime [link via textually – where a tenuous link has been established between this piece of news and the main focus of their blog – mobile phones!] – quoting from an article in the age… Continue reading Skirting the criminal

Puja and pandals

It is that time of the year when festivities are in the air – some of us more cribby types might say, traffic jams are on the road. Thanks to those huge puja pandals everywhere – one larger and grander than the other. Our local pandal at Vashi is modeled on Angkor Vat – says… Continue reading Puja and pandals

Categorized as Indiawatch

What kind of string?

I got this extremely interesting text message today from one of Reliance’s numerous marketing services – I quote – It’s Breaking News watch this HINDI film that dares to reveal the secrets of a string operation released on 5th Oct. (bold mine, caps theirs). And I also read about another film to be released soon… Continue reading What kind of string?

Go trail my daughter

Today’s Hindustan Times has this piece on the front page – Sherlock Holmes has a dandiya job – which means ‘parents hire sleuths to stalk flirty youngsters’ as they go around whirling and twirling to Phalguni Pathak’s dandiya music this Navratri. “They want to know who their girl is with, whether she is having sex,”… Continue reading Go trail my daughter

Heart of stone

Photo essay that appeared in the October issue of India Today Travel Plus… A few of the images from this photoessay can be viewed online here… Don’t believe everything they tell you about Hampi – all those stones do not sing. Some of them speak to you with unmatched eloquence, some others stutter while others… Continue reading Heart of stone

Categorized as In Print

In all fairness

Like everyone else, I watched Shah Rukh Khan cheer for the Indian team at SA (later, I also read that he was praying – like everyone else was, said he). And just after that, I read Neha’s post Fair, lovely, handsome and blah!. Reminded me of something I read a long long time ago –… Continue reading In all fairness

Categorized as Indiawatch

The farewell party

With every year, the number and visibility of sponsors increases. The paints on the idols are brighter, the crowds louder, the competition fiercer, the frenzy scarier… There is something touching about the way the emotions of an entire city (much of it at least) ride the streets along with Ganpati headed to the sea. The… Continue reading The farewell party

Categorized as Indiawatch