Now bigger and better…

Er, not quite bigger. Indsight was down for a few days for “maintenance activities”. Now we are back in action – in a new and improved version. Or so says my blog host Madhu Menon. Thanks, Madhu for all the time and effort. The research on age cohorts is still on. Please take some time… Continue reading Now bigger and better…

Father / husband’s name

I bought a new mobile phone from the Reliance outlet (upgradation – so I can take pics from my mobile phone and so on – ahem). And had to fill out a longish form before they handed over the new handset to me. Among the interesting personal details they (reliance ? government?) wanted to know… Continue reading Father / husband’s name

Musing on language…

Kaps from Sambharmafia has this poem which he has sent for a contest – this post is triggered by the discussion on that on his blog. The gist of his poem is ‘Tamilians have progressed far, while Tamil has been left behind’… I responded to this on his blog with a question – if the… Continue reading Musing on language…

Another airport update

But this time, as I said, airport – not airport coach. So relax, breathe easy, all…. I had an early morning flight to Bombay back from Delhi – after waiting for a few hours, watching the crowds pushing and shoving (very reminiscent of Dadar station at peak time) and seeing no possibility of a flight… Continue reading Another airport update