From Jalandhar

Jalandhar is a small town in many ways – nice friendly people who want to know everyting about you and invite you home for garam khaana (hot food) right after the first meeting… And small enough for people to commute by cycle rickshaw… Five rupees can take you a long way in this city. And… Continue reading From Jalandhar

In the airport coach

My flight landed in Delhi and I found myself sitting next to this girl on the airport coach to the terminal. Super rich, super thin. Super brat. Purple streaks in her hair. Over-sized sunglasses. Pale make up. And a t-shirt reaching just below the chest. And faded jeans. With strategically placed cuts in five different… Continue reading In the airport coach

Men at work

Actually make that ‘woman at work’… i.e. me. Working from home is great fun – especially when you have several windows open (both on your computer and in your home) – allows me to practise multitasking with great ease. Multitasking – in less polite company – such as my husband’s, also known as “begging to… Continue reading Men at work

Categorized as My World

Head geared

On flickr tags and reports of increase in race related crimes, there is nothing one can say better than this picture does (source : chutneyspears – thanks, Shivaji!) Pulitzer winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes made this following 9/11 – but it is just as true for 7/7(?!) or any other date (all that finally reduced to… Continue reading Head geared

News in limerick

My friend Aparna has a great new blog news in limerick – news with a slightly different flavour. I am shamelessly posting (pasting) here two of her recent newslimericks based on my posts. Coke sees red! Sharad Haksar has been sued by Coke His new billboard no longer a joke For it could spoil ‘goodwill’… Continue reading News in limerick

The long ride to freedom

Yesterday’s HT had a small piece on how the Tamilnadu chief minister Jayalalitha was distributing free bicycles to school children in rural areas of the state. This was to encourage them to continue school and not drop out – earlier it was found that girls from backward communities who had been given free bicycles under… Continue reading The long ride to freedom

Noah’s Dus…

This is worse than Sholay. How can they do this? Theatre in Vashi, late night show of Dus. Me shivering in the AC and all smug – hah! of course Abhishek Bacchan will be saved miraculously. And he was not. How can they do this? It is all my parents’ fault – for letting me… Continue reading Noah’s Dus…

Categorized as - Cinema

Whatta lotta water!

Coca-Cola Threatens Top Indian Photographer with Lawsuit (source : For this picture by Sharad Haksar: (photo courtesy degreecopy – these colourful plastic kudams are such a strong symbol of water scarcity in Chennai – murders have been committed over this…) This is why – Mr. Haksar’s billboard highlights the severe water shortages being experienced… Continue reading Whatta lotta water!

Tags on flickr

I had written on info on the London bombings about how the blogging world had responded almost instantly to the bombs. And now I see this message on the discussion forum of flickr – Please don’t tag bombing pictures with muslim, arab or islam – someone (who has had his photographs tagged muslim / islam)… Continue reading Tags on flickr