Now that there is light…

…can we hope for more fresh air. And better features? And better editorial content? And yes, certainly a better Sunday newspaper as Uma MD says here (oops, her title for this post is the same as mine – can I claim I thought of it first in my mind?) Today’s Time of India carries a… Continue reading Now that there is light…

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The education “system”

Update: Came across this very interesting piece on Robert Paterson’s blog. It ends with In short: As connectedness transforms knowledge, our education system is swinging–running–in the other direction. Do read it fully – Robert has linked to the original piece by David Weinberger there on his post. Found two pieces of writing on the education… Continue reading The education “system”

The new(s) paper tigers

Times of India + Mumbai Mirror = Over 100 pages Times of India clearly believes in the platter approach – offer all kinds of readers all kinds of news (or whatever) – in the form of different supplements. Apart from the regular Bombay Times and Property (or is it Education) supplements, I now get an… Continue reading The new(s) paper tigers

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Innovation or jugaad?

Great cover story on Outlook – Gram By Microgram . Across rural India, Indians have turned serious innovators. These are the stories of individuals, practitioners of rustic science that is compelling, practical and applicable… Called the Sci tech Special, this issue has some very interesting stories, including a wishlist from the President, Mr Kalam. Incidentally,… Continue reading Innovation or jugaad?

Categorized as Indiawatch


My husband received this sms last evening from a client who has recently moved abroad – HI (NAME SPELT WRONG) HW R U? Nice ‘thinking of you’ message – except 1. this was not written by a 13 year old, as you may have immediately thought (as I did – what with the all caps… Continue reading HW R U?

Two wonderful new blogs

This is about a couple of wonderful blogs (and of course, the people behind them) I came across recently – The first is Eileen’s All over the map. She lives in Delhi and currently has a very interesting A – Z on Delhi going on at her blog. She has reached G now, starting with… Continue reading Two wonderful new blogs

On being a female body

In the last few days, I have come across three different posts / discussions which have left me feeling shaken and stirred. These writings in isolation are disturbing enough but reading them one after the other makes me think very uncomfortable thoughts. They are all on the subject of sexual harrasment – in some form… Continue reading On being a female body

Musing on rain…

Just got back from a couple of days in Delhi – as usual, happy to be back in Bombay. Just being in Bombay makes me feel that all is well with the world (ok, here I push the Worli image and other such disturbing thoughts from my mind, just for a moment, ok). Good to… Continue reading Musing on rain…