My article in Nirantar

My article on the dreams sold by the fairness creams companies is out at the Hindi blogzine Nirantar… Read the Hindi version here – Mohe gora rang dei de (translated by Debashish Chakrabarty for Nirantar) I am posting the original English version here soon.. Watch this space…

Shoot at sight!

This morning, I woke up (yet again) to the wonders of the wide open ether space that brings complete strangers in contact – otherwise known as the internet. Bob Reid on flickr (who goes under the mysterious name ‘paladinsf’) has gifted me with a flickrpro account. I have for a while now been looking enviously… Continue reading Shoot at sight!

Odds and ends…

My blog has been changing homes – and now will hopefully stop misbehaving and disappearing at will… It is now hosted by Madman. While on blogs, take the short MIT survey on blogs – their attempt is to understand the way blogs are affecting interpersonal and social communication… Specifically we are interested in issues of… Continue reading Odds and ends…


Voices on India2

Another view on India – Jack Yan writes in the beyond branding blog that the next revolution in motoring is likely to come from this part of the world… (I am quoting the entire post here since it is not very long…) Ford is going to launch a replacement for the Excursion, which by my… Continue reading Voices on India2

Voices on India1

Here is a lovely post by anthropologist Alexandra Mack Kids Day and India – her experience with children on ‘bring your kid to work’ day, where I was a tour stop, “Let’s Travel to India.” She took them through pictures of India – and they noticed things that were similar to what they have seen… Continue reading Voices on India1

Remaining stoic on everyday disasters…

I was outraged by what I read on concentriccircle about child traffickers preying upon children orphaned in the tsunami in Sri Lanka… I happened to mention this to my husband yesterday, and he said after a moment’s thought – but isn’t this what happens all the time -innocent children are either weaned away with guile… Continue reading Remaining stoic on everyday disasters…

“Make with others”

SK has blogged about Googlinglish, Google’s on-line translator tool – wherein you can translate chunks of texts or the whole contents of a web page into different languages. The translation can be done between English and French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portugese, Korean, Chinese and Japanese. Additionally, it can translate between German and French too.. He… Continue reading “Make with others”

Joy is just a click away

One minute they were all walking in line…. listlessly but in a disciplined manner nevertheless… The next minute, as my friend and I pulled out our cameras, all hell broke loose…. And this is the result… Photographing children, old people and rural folks is a particularly rewarding experience – there is an innocence in their… Continue reading Joy is just a click away

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