We sell hope

As I drive down to work every morning, I cross the bridge at Ghatkopar to get to the West side. On the dug-up pavement, I see people walking quickly with a purpose, a couple of cows seemingly without any purpose, and always a few children in the background, defecating as they squat and watch the… Continue reading We sell hope

Whatta lotta water!

Coca-Cola Threatens Top Indian Photographer with Lawsuit (source : Indiaresource.org) For this picture by Sharad Haksar: (photo courtesy degreecopy – these colourful plastic kudams are such a strong symbol of water scarcity in Chennai – murders have been committed over this…) This is why – Mr. Haksar’s billboard highlights the severe water shortages being experienced… Continue reading Whatta lotta water!

Remaining stoic on everyday disasters…

I was outraged by what I read on concentriccircle about child traffickers preying upon children orphaned in the tsunami in Sri Lanka… I happened to mention this to my husband yesterday, and he said after a moment’s thought – but isn’t this what happens all the time -innocent children are either weaned away with guile… Continue reading Remaining stoic on everyday disasters…