Pots of clay

On FM, ad for Mahesh tutorials – the teachers here so friendly and helpful, blah blah blah. They take a lump of clay and make it into a pot. On a signboard in Dharavi for Kumar classes, we don’t teach, we mould. So what’s with all the pottery in teaching?

Capitalism rocks

Gotcha! [image from Bhupinder Singh’s blog – Why Capitalism is the best possible system]

Numchucks and kubatons

My flight from Vishakapatnam to Bombay was delayed yesterday and since there is nothing much by way of entertainment at the Vizag airport, I spent time looking at the board which contains the list of banned items for passengers in hand baggage – and when I say I spent time, believe me, I mean it… Continue reading Numchucks and kubatons

Normal is…?

“Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for – in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to… Continue reading Normal is…?

Genuine degree for sale

I got this via email : sick of making minimum wage A Genuine College Degree in 2 Weeks Have you ever thought that the only thing stopping you from a a great job and better pay was a few letters behind your name? Well now you can get them. BA-BSc-MA-MSc-MBA-PHD -Within 2 weeks- -No Study… Continue reading Genuine degree for sale