Winter in Bombay…

January is a wonderful time to be in Bombay. The weather is just right… cool enough to encourage walks during the day and open air events in the evenings… and to stay under the rug in the morning (with the excuse of the sun hasn’t risen yet, so why should I) and pretend for a… Continue reading Winter in Bombay…

More on Itchy Feet

Before you read on, guess where this is : (hint : one of the world’s most popular shopping destinations) and this : (hint : the spice souk) At Itchy Feet – Dubai and the -est obsession and Dubai or not to buy? And more images from Dubai here on flickr…

Mumbai festival 2007

The 2007 Mumbai Festival began officially at the Gateway of India yesterday. An hour late. With the organizer (Shashi Vyas?) calling out – hullo, sound guy, start playing the Mumbai meri jaan theme song. Sound guy? Does sound guy have a name? With Nayya Singh (who is she, god, who is she? and why is… Continue reading Mumbai festival 2007

Pongal and pattam

Pongal o’ pongal… For those of you who missed kite flying on Makara Sankranti… Also read penguins in the air – my post on the Shivaji Park kite festival 2006… Fun for the entire family Kite-ransactions When I have the kite, I can’t find the string. And then sometimes I can find only the string…… Continue reading Pongal and pattam

The slow-gun war

My parents in Chennai recently had their lives made jingalala by the two of us; we gifted them with a Tata Sky connection for the television at home which had for the last two years been showing them only remade Tamil versions of the Star soaps and Sahara TV as the sole “Yindi” programming. With… Continue reading The slow-gun war

Does it all ad up?

I read Chandru’s article It all ads up a week ago… It piqued my interest and made me uncomfortable at the same time… Thoughts on why advertising is like terrorism. Going for the jugular, creating and feeding on fear – new fears each time people get used to the old one, being louder and larger… Continue reading Does it all ad up?

Sue simple

I was looking yesterday at the bottle of peanut butter at home – and the label says in big bold letters at the bottom – warning : contains peanuts. And goes on in a sombre tone to warn of peanut allergy. Fancy that! Who would imagine peanut butter containing peanuts. heh! Then I remembered the… Continue reading Sue simple