And the dervish whirls on

He tries to whirl a whirling dervish out of whirl. And does it too. With great charm and grace and ease. In what is a highy colorful a touristy version of the whirling dervish’s deeply religious offering to god. The dancer accompanied by the three drummers (dhafliwale) walk towards the stage and as the three… Continue reading And the dervish whirls on

Life at google

Is it only me or has anyone else noticed that that lives of those good folks at google seems to rock – with bbq and sushi parties and without any spam. *Sighhhhhs and deletes with great regret kind offers of enhancement of coffers with Nigerian currency of remarkable amounts and of private parts with pills… Continue reading Life at google


Here I am, back on my blog after a long while. And this time, I am blogging from the train, on my way to Chennai from Kakinada. Plug points in every cubicle. And next to it, bold letters saying, for laptops and mobile phones. (And this pic from the mobile phone, transferred directly on to… Continue reading Wired!

Categorized as Pot-pourri

The morning after

I read this piece on India Together – Morning-after pills seized in Chennai – a while ago, shook my head in disbelief, book-marked it and forgot about it. Yesterday, I read Harini’s posts on sex and sensibility – I try not to be judgemental about it – but there is something fundamentally wrong when a… Continue reading The morning after

Is God your friend or foe?

And other such earth-shattering questions now answered. Presenting *thunder* the novel technique of Navamsa Navamsam that enables you to know more about the horoscopic influences of the 12 Rasis and it helps you to acquire wealth and welfare. *lightning clap clap* Says this bright yellow sheet of paper thrust into my hands by the grumpy… Continue reading Is God your friend or foe?

On and of the road

Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road, Healthy, free, the world before me, The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose. —Walt Whitman – Song of the Open Road Sometimes… the road takes you far far away, sets you free, lets you explore, allows you to discover… youself. Roads. They let… Continue reading On and of the road

Categorized as Travels

Play as research

Lorenz at Antropologi has a very interesting link to play as research method – how do we best get data from children? Using insights gained from observing children at play, getting them to produce stories and drawings can be much more productive than merely getting verbal data from them. It keeps their interest levels high… Continue reading Play as research

Reflections from a cruise

Here are the promised posts and photographs from my cruise – Cruising on Superstar Libra. And an associated question – Going local… to what extent? Do read.