Genuine degree for sale

I got this via email : sick of making minimum wage A Genuine College Degree in 2 Weeks Have you ever thought that the only thing stopping you from a a great job and better pay was a few letters behind your name? Well now you can get them. BA-BSc-MA-MSc-MBA-PHD -Within 2 weeks- -No Study… Continue reading Genuine degree for sale

New blog discoveries

Neha at desipundit points to this blog which airs the unheard voices of the HIV infected in India. Lives in focus is an excellent concept – Using video, audio and photographs, this website presents the voices of those who are rarely given space or time in traditional news media. Their latest post has this startling… Continue reading New blog discoveries

Hiv-hope news updates

The Science blog had carried this piece recently, HIV Mortality in India Drops with Introduction of Generic Antiretroviral Therapy. The survival rate of HIV-infected patients in India has risen in response to a 20-fold drop in the price of antiretroviral therapy (ART). The piece ends with this very important point. Making HIV-infected people aware of… Continue reading Hiv-hope news updates

Blog Quake Day

Today is Blog Quake Day, a fine blogging effort initiated by desipundit. The best resource I can point you towards is the South Asia Quake Help blog. Reuters’ AlertNet has updated news on the relief operations and also a list of organizations to which you can contribute. Please take the Blog Quake Day message forward.… Continue reading Blog Quake Day

Babies for sale online

The BBC reports that advertisements for babies have been appearing on the Chinese counterpart of eBay, Eachnet. China’s strict “one child” birth control policy, coupled with the traditional bias for male children, has led to widespread reports of child abductions, and several people have been sentenced to death for their part in smuggling rings. .… Continue reading Babies for sale online