About Zeeksha

My blogger-photographer friend Chitra Aiyer in Bangalore is involved with a project called Zeeksha. They are now looking for more contributors and participants. I am posting here the information she has shared with me. Do hop over and see if you can be a part of this interesting and extremely useful website. *** Zeeksha.com is… Continue reading About Zeeksha

DesiPundit shuts down

Like several others, I received an email from Patrix informing me of his decision to shut down Desipundit. This is Patrix’s post from an earlier time when he had decided to let DP go – fortunately for us, it was revived then but I guess the same logic holds now when he says the decision… Continue reading DesiPundit shuts down

An evening at Lalbagh

Spotted these boards everywhere inside Lalbagh during a recent walk one rainy evening… Reminded me of this definition of puritanism by Henry Mencken – the haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy. I mean, what are parks and open spaces for, if not for kids to run and play in – and there were… Continue reading An evening at Lalbagh

India and social networking

You must have read Why India loves facebook by now – (an excellent post) written in response to the news that facebook is set to open its India office. So you tell me, why would India not love facebook? Or any other community that allows Indians to do all things dear to them? Stay in… Continue reading India and social networking



Photographyonthemove has an exhibition on at Toscano at the Forum Value Mall in Whitefield and one of my photographs from Hampi is on display there. I made the long trek down yesterday to see my photograph the exhibition and proceeded to annoy the lives out of my lunch companions. You’d think atleast one of them… Continue reading Framed!

Categorized as Travels

Aaaaand we are back!

‘A time to reflect’ is now back in action after a break of more than two months. Though I wouldn’t blame you if you did not even notice that there was no new content on this blog. I do need to blog more regularly and hey, I am going to do just that. So, watch… Continue reading Aaaaand we are back!

The age of unfriending

The un- words always sounded a little – what shall I say – desperate, to me. What is it about Un- (+verb) when dis- or de- will do just as well, or better? Like unlearn – what is unlearn? Or UnWork, or UnConference? And don’t even mention UnLike, the way facebook wants us to use… Continue reading The age of unfriending

Mob mentality

Who was it who said the mob has many heads but no brains? (Actually that is a rhetorical question – it was someone called Antoine de Rivarol – I checked on google). The reason I bring it up here is the recent #chetanblocks mob-lynch on twitter. What is it about the internet / social networking… Continue reading Mob mentality