July 27, 2024

Photoessay: the Big 5 and more from Kenya

Elephants trumpeting
Zebras mating
Buffalos sunning
Wildebeest migrating
Ostriches strutting
Lion cubs frolicking
Lionesses protecting
Leopards eating
Giraffes stretching
Hyenas slinking
Birds singing
Gazelles grazing
Kids waving
Women smiling

Just back from a marvellous week in Kenya with my husband, out in the open Savannahs of Masai Mara, the lake of Naivasha and Nakuru, and finally Amboseli, right in the shadow of the magnificent Kilimanjaro. We had great sightings during each of the game drives – the African Big Five and then many more.

I will be writing about these places soon, but for now, want to share a photoessay on our best wildlife moments.

Leopards are notoriously shy and elusive, and sightings are considered rare, even inside the Masai Mara. But we were lucky to see them twice, both times on treetops, eating fresh prey.

The main reason we chose to visit Kenya during peak tourist season was to see the great wildebeest migration. During this annual event, over 1.5 million wildebeest cross the Mara river from the Serengeti in Tanzania into the Masai Mara in Kenya, seeking fresh fodder.

These families of elephants in Amboseli were such a delightful sight, feeding and playing and mock charging at each other.

This family of hippos were lined up on the shore of Lake Naivasha, sunning themselves lazily, as if a group of neatly arranged stuffed toys.

And then a gazillion gazelles and antelopes – Thomsons, Grants, Impalas – everywhere in sight.

Raise your hands if you think giraffes are one of the (if not the) most adorable creature…

If there are giraffe, can zebras be far behind?

While leopards are shy, their close cousins cheetahs couldn’t care less about human activity.

And finally, the undisputed king (and queen) of the forest…

I hope you enjoyed this virtual tour of the Kenyan wilderness – do leave a comment telling me which one(s) are your favourite.

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