Globalwalk for Breast Cancer

Patricia of Chaotic Gestalt points out to this site Globalwalk for Breast Cancer. On August 1, 1999, Polly Letofsky left her home in Vail and headed west. She traveled across 4 continents, 22 countries and over 14,000 miles. By foot. As an awareness campaign for breast cancer, survivors around the world came out to walk… Continue reading Globalwalk for Breast Cancer

Is UP ready for AIDS?

In an earlier post Reining in the spread of AIDS, I had written about the surprising and rather unbelievable finding thrown up by the annual AIDS survey. Only 28,000 new infections were reported in 2004, compared to 6 lakh in 2003. My hypothesis then was that reported cases of AIDS were on the decline –… Continue reading Is UP ready for AIDS?

Being linked to

Going through my technorati search, I found my post Anthropology at Intel linked to on this usability site. And they also had this really cool pic… (Anthropologist inspecting locals and viceversa – Link via usernomics) This is what I meant when I responded to a comment on this post yesterday saying that while many companies… Continue reading Being linked to

Anthropology at Intel

Product design is no longer about scientists sitting in their offices (mostly in the West) to develop products (for the entire world, including the inscrutable East – atleast where technology is concerned) and launching beta versions for testing and refining. Anthropological methods (tweaked to suit commercial needs) being increasingly used by large technology companies are… Continue reading Anthropology at Intel

Culture jamming the ToI

I first came across the term ‘culture jamming’ when blogger / flickr mate Akshay left this wiki reference as a comment on an earlier post on the Coke controversy This is the simple wiki definition – Culture jamming is the act of using existing mass media to comment on those very media themselves, using the… Continue reading Culture jamming the ToI

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