Sex(y) and the sale

.. or it’s all in the looks. When I was in London, several of my friends mentioned Whole Foods – it was almost as if it was London’s latest tourist attraction. If you are anyway going near Kensington, drop in at the store, said one of my friends. So what’s the big deal about a… Continue reading Sex(y) and the sale

It’s all the same

I was in an auto-rickshaw in Vashi last evening going towards the main bus-stand. I asked the auto driver, I need to go near the gurudwara, do you know where it is? Driver man thinks for a moment and says, I don’t know the gurudwara, but there is a Jain temple just down the main… Continue reading It’s all the same

Categorized as Pot-pourri

For a well-groomed baby

Mumbai Mirror carried this brief piece yesterday under ‘Fashion’ – South Mumbai salon opens exclusively for kids (will post link when I find it). Starting with – kids really have it good these days, the article goes on to describe Tears to Cheers, a salon launched in Mumbai to cater to the beauty and grooming… Continue reading For a well-groomed baby

Stories on stories

Children do it best – launch into a story when asked a question. I believe it is a natural thing for adults could do it too, given time and comfort in the situation. Some links I have been hoarding on stories (for future reading, I promised myself at the time of saving them long long… Continue reading Stories on stories

Holiday out. Real world in.

Two weeks is just too short – I started getting depressed at the thought (yes, I know, I get depressed rather easily – I used to a cheerful person in an earlier life) of getting back to work. I did some of the things I wanted to and did not manage many others. Ditto about… Continue reading Holiday out. Real world in.

Categorized as Travels

Headed to London

I am off to London tomorrow for two weeks for a much needed break. June has been a month of no work and sickness – after two weeks of (advised and attempted) bed rest with a terrible back, I am just recovering from a bout of throat infection and fever. Croak. Tired of sitting at… Continue reading Headed to London

Categorized as Travels