Comfort me, food…

I came across a very interesting post on the Cheskin blog about China’s window to the world. Food. In China, food is love. Food represents familial ties and status between people: the elderly and most prestigious guests are always served the first and best parts of the dish. Food represents commitment: business deals and marriages… Continue reading Comfort me, food…

Dance baby, dance

Iam going through a blogger’s block and have not been posting regularly. Sometimes I stare at the screen and wonder whether there is anything at all to write about. This too shall pass. I hope. And then there are these incidents which make me want to write again… A couple of days ago I attended… Continue reading Dance baby, dance

My own heritage walk

Been spending a lot of time at the Kala Ghoda festival, soaking in culture in small digestible bite-sized pieces… As I walk around the stalls on both ends of the road, I wonder about the way popular Bollywood has come to be accepted as part of the arts… Has it always been this way? I… Continue reading My own heritage walk

The Kala Ghoda Gazette

The Kala Ghoda arts festival begins today, showcasing the best in arts that Bombay has to offer… And covering it live, well, almost live, will be an enthusiastic bunch of bloggers writing for the Kala Ghoda Gazette. The Kala Ghoda Gazette is the latest in the list of collablogs conceived of and managed by serial… Continue reading The Kala Ghoda Gazette

Past her shelf life

Uma at Indianwriting has this posted an email she received from someone in the US… I found much in the mail objectionable but this sentence particularly got me thinking – The number of overage unmarried Indian girls in the US is quite large. And there is nothing the parents can do about it, which causes… Continue reading Past her shelf life

Rumble-tremble news

When was the last time news made your hands tremble? Hmm, let me see now… Was it when I first heard about Raveena Tandon’s lost dog ?(on the front page of the Times of India) Or was it when I read that Indian couples are now quick to wed, quicker to split? (again on the… Continue reading Rumble-tremble news

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