Walking in breaking out

Every time I read and begin to believe that creativity in Indian advertising is dead (or never existed?), I come across something like this: [via adverblog]

Braille’s birthday

Of all that google has done so far, this I think is the best… Hover over the logo on google and it says Happy Birthday Louis Braille! And here is a small piece I found – on google of course – on Louis Braille…

Categorized as - Internet

Mousewives and email users

Came acorss this recent report from the Pew internet and American Life project… For what claims to be a ‘wide-ranging study’, the report seems to me full of stereotypes-exist-therefore-will-reinforce statements and worse, “findings” which really say nothing new… A wide-ranging look at the way American women and men use the internet shows that men continue… Continue reading Mousewives and email users

On the road in India

The travel back to Vishakapatnam for my return flight to Bombay was exciting – not the drive itself, but for the many mild adventures it presented… The first one hour was through crowded villages struggling to be small towns, much like small children wanting to grow up quickly and immediately; people out in their Sunday… Continue reading On the road in India

Categorized as Travels

Numchucks and kubatons

My flight from Vishakapatnam to Bombay was delayed yesterday and since there is nothing much by way of entertainment at the Vizag airport, I spent time looking at the board which contains the list of banned items for passengers in hand baggage – and when I say I spent time, believe me, I mean it… Continue reading Numchucks and kubatons

More on Aruna

Remember Aruna? She is now working in a small computer centre in Hyderabad. The salary from her first job, Rs.5000 per month is more than anyone in her family has ever earned… Her mother Sai cannot stop beaming… This time when I met Aruna at my in-laws’ place, there is a sense of confidence about… Continue reading More on Aruna

Categorized as My World

Journey to Kakinada

I finally reached Vishakapatnam after a long and uncomfortable flight. The man whose seat in the front row I had requested for glaring at me as he passes by in the aisle. The man next to me reading “The Power of Now” all the way through – at the “entering the now” chapter, suddenly closing… Continue reading Journey to Kakinada

Categorized as My World