Development and at a low cost?

The developing world. And within that, rural. Children and education. And women. This is where all emerging technology seems to be headed. Politically correct noises? Or just plain marketing widsom? And is this here to last – and deliver the promise of accelerated development in these countries? Or a bubble waiting to burst? Yahoo studying… Continue reading Development and at a low cost?

Notes on Web 2.0

(More for my own reference and later reading…) Eye-opener (for me) discussions across blogs on the value of web 2.0 Link throughbusiness week online. From the corporate blogging blog – As we know, the thing about the Web 2.0 is that it is not one thing. It’s blogs, it’s technologies such as AJAX, it’s tagging,… Continue reading Notes on Web 2.0

Categorized as - New media

NH17 and road signs

Slight upheaval in life – I am joining a new job tomorrow – going to be working full time after many years – slow blogging this last one week since all my free time has been spent in getting myself out of the knots I have been tying myself into at thought of full time… Continue reading NH17 and road signs

Why use mind maps?

‘Why do mind maps work?‘ from George Johnson of Between Seeing (link via one of my favorite blogs, the innovation weblog) They work because the brain operates in circles. A simple way to think about this is to think of millions of bits of information in the brain flowing in circles. When two bits of… Continue reading Why use mind maps?

Pardada Pardadi Education

I had written about the saas bahu sammelan a while ago. Now read about the Pardada Pardadi Educational Society, an educational progam based in Anoopshahar in the Bulandshahar district of Uttar Pradesh. The PPES opted for a unique approach of education through academic, value-based, and skill-based education allows PPGVS to address the interrelated issues of… Continue reading Pardada Pardadi Education

New links on ict and development

Lean blogging period. Here are links to a few interesting articles I came across – ave placed them here for my future reading too… Government Launches Two Portals For Women – via ContentSutra. Maintained by the NIC (National Informatics Centre), these sites are loaded with information and statistics (I checked out both). The NRCW website… Continue reading New links on ict and development

Those who can, teach?

IBM to train staff as math, science teachers (for some strange reason filed under ‘money’ in rediff. er, why?) Concerned over the critical shortage of math and science faculty in the United States, global IT major IBM has announced a programme that encourages employees to take up the teaching profession. The world’s largest Information Technology… Continue reading Those who can, teach?

Categorized as - Education

A friend’s story

Have you read Thurber’s The day the dam broke. I still laugh when I read James Thurber and this story of how rumors about a broken dam wall created panic in Columbus, Ohio, is one of my particular favorites. But broken dam walls are not all ha ha ha… “Look at these pictures,” said Hoster,… Continue reading A friend’s story