Let’s play tag!

This is another photograph that I took while on the cruise… I had posted this on flickr without any explanation (no notes or details that I normally add to each photograph) and added no tags myself. I then invited viewers to play tag. This is an interesting technique we often use in qualitative research –… Continue reading Let’s play tag!

Categorized as Pot-pourri

Mein hoon dawn

Kahan se aaya… mein hoon dawn From Superstar Libra this morning… Watch this space closely and patiently for more photographs and detailed posts… In the meanwhile have a wonderful and safe Deepavali.

Categorized as Pot-pourri

The consumer strikes back?

Adverblog writes about this initiative in Berlin and Seoul where guerrilla “soldiers” have been tagging outdoor ads with personal evaluations delivering messages such as “this ad makes me sick”, “I like this ad”, “I find this campaign boring” etc… . The idea, ostensibly, is to raise the level of consumer awareness about the quality of… Continue reading The consumer strikes back?

Mastercard on my mind

I remember some offensive ads that Economic Times ran a while ago on the whole “are you talking to the right target audience” question (as someone working in a field related to marketing, I confess I sometimes find the word ‘target’ in this context quite ominous…) – While I found the ads distasteful, I had… Continue reading Mastercard on my mind

For those on a diet…

Karwa Chauth – it’s all about life on the fast lane This one is for you, Harini… And this, for you, other pious readers. Nuggets from these self-same essays – In the olden days, a woman was dependent on a man. Whether he was her father, brother, husband or Guru. Without a man she was… Continue reading For those on a diet…

Thinking back on an anniversary

Warning : Long public rant about painful private memories… October 5th was an anniversary. Not a happy anniversary as such – four years of my spine surgery. I first discovered that I had a spondilytis problem in early 2000. X-rays, diagnosis and pain-killers followed. And physiotherapy could have got me back on my feet. I… Continue reading Thinking back on an anniversary

Categorized as My World

Normally low maintenance

I came across some SuperModel something or the other on Zee Cafe the other night (alright, I don’t normally do this – I am just standing in for Uma till she gets her laptop and blog back in place) – and found various people gushing about Ujjwala Raut, “middle-class Maharashtrian home”, “the only Indian model…… Continue reading Normally low maintenance

Categorized as Pot-pourri

And then night in Delhi

If days in Delhi are about long hot cab rides with drivers insisting on playing CDs of Kumar Sanu hits, or have the FM stations belting out the latest Hindi filmi hits, the nights are almost magical. The heat of the day is gone, there are early signs of winter in the air. As most… Continue reading And then night in Delhi