July 27, 2024

All that glitters : Amritsar photoessay

A few memories from a visit to Amritsar almost a year ago. I usually like to write a lot even in photoessays in this blog, but this time I am going to cheat and just put in images (blame it on bad health)…

The temple at Amritsar must be the most peaceful place of worship I have ever been to, and certainly the cleanest. We visited twice during the day and again at night, especially to catch the reflected glow of the temple in the pool…

So, here goes – all that glitters…

At first sight, the temple is everything you imagined it to be – impressive, peaceful and bustling with life at the same time…

Gold framed

People were friendly and everyone we made eye contact with, smiled at us, and my bulky camera evoked a lot of interest.

He first glared at me, and then posed with a smile for my camera…

Standing guard

The temple at night


This is one of my all-time favorite images – it was not unusual to see people sitting by the pool, by the walls, either meditating or in silent prayer – somehow adding to the atmosphere of quiet and calm.



And in the market outside, this, and many interesting sights…

Off with his foot!

Off with his foot!

To follow soon : All that flutters : Wagah Border photoessay – watch this space!

15 thoughts on “All that glitters : Amritsar photoessay

  1. Love your amazing pictures as well as the blog travel quotes.
    Am returning to Amritsar in late November. Can’t believe we chose the border ceremony over the nighttime inside the temple
    two years ago. Thank you!

  2. Venky, thanks 🙂 I want to visit again too!

    Em Perdue, thanks! we visited Wagah border too but anyway made that trip to the temple late at night… was totally worth it!

    Cuckoo, muchly appreciated 🙂

    SolShine7, Priyanka, thank you!

  3. the golden temple is one place i haven’t been to yet – still on my wish list. lovely pics – the night reflection pics are especially lovely.

    and hope your health gets better soon…take care 🙂

  4. We were there this summer and I have similar pictures. But I missed the best one of them all, “toe away”. Awesome catch!! Great blog.b

  5. Pingback: Faith | Itchy Feet

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