July 16, 2024

The parks of Paris

Of all the places we visited in Europe, our least favourite was Paris. Yes, I know, blasphemy. Perhaps it was because we went there directly from Prague which was small and exceedingly beautiful. Or perhaps because the things one has heard about Paris being a rude and unfriendly city were always in our minds. Anyway. So Paris was expensive, unfriendly and… let me just say that Paris has not managed to work its magic on me. And of course, the fact that neither of speak any French did not make it any easier.

What we did love though were the parks of Paris.

We managed to walk around only two of them but both were pretty enough for us to go again the next day. The sun was shining, the flowers were in bloom – spring was truly in the air – and there were people in the parks through the day. I know because we visited at different times of the day. One was the Jardin Du Luxembourg. The first we walked in, I was struck by how many people seemed to be just lazing around on easy chairs and even on the grass enjoying the mild sunshine – and not all of them tourists. And when we went back the next evening, several games of chess were in progress and I got shooed away by an annoyed old man for disturbing their concentration with my incessant clicking (can’t blame them – yes, I know).

And the other, which I found far prettier, was Jardin des Tuileries – a fabulous location right in front of the Louvre. The garden is called Tuileries after the tile workshops that were spread across the area for many centuries. Also, this garden houses my favourite museum, the Orangerie with its glorious sunshine pouring upon Monet’s works.

I hope you enjoyed your walk through the parks?

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