The new Maruti Suzuki ad

The new ad for Maruti Suzuki -what a lovely ad! I could not stop smiling at the cleverness of it (and I mean it in the best possible way)… I am feeling to lazy to describe it, so let me paste from the storyboard – The TVC opens in a house buzzing with wedding festivities.… Continue reading The new Maruti Suzuki ad

Life and a career

This is not a good way to begin a Monday morning – What’s the connection between abortion and careers? But it appeared on the blogs feed, shared by Gautam Ghosh and I read it. It takes a *lot* of courage to bare one’s soul the way Penelope Trunk has done here (knowing the kind of… Continue reading Life and a career

Where are articles?

A friend had this status update recently on facebook – “Amazing how “online” has killed the phrase “on the line”. Even answering machines now say “please stay on line”. The Wren & Martin in me shudders to hear such things.” No, it is not about online and not online. It is about articles slowly exiting… Continue reading Where are articles?

Happy birthday, Tetris!

25 years of providing hours of entertainment and relief from officialdom and boredom – thanks, tetris. The mark of a productive day at work? Closing your eyes at the end of the day to see block after colorful block of tetris fall in front of you, against a black sleepy background. Long ago, a friend… Continue reading Happy birthday, Tetris!

A leisurely headache

Jab sardard ke liye time na ho – when you don’t have time for a headache, pop a Disprin, the ad says. The pill dissolves in water, you swallow it, and hey presto! no headache. Relief in ten minutes. Reckitt Benckiser, but here is the thing. When does one have time for a headache? And… Continue reading A leisurely headache