July 16, 2024

Images of 2010

It’s that time of the year already – past that time really, but never mind. Yeah, so time to look back on the year that was, tell you again about my travels, announce plans for this year and sigh deeply… Or maybe this year, no announcing travel plans dreams in advance. Watch this space…

So here, the best of 2010 on Itchy Feet –

The market visits – April – June

City market – going nuts!

Going nuts

Gandhi Bazaar – a pretty smile

A happy smile

Chilling in Ladakh – May

Chang La – on top of the world. almost.

At Chang La

Pangong Tso – A light load

A wonderful load

Alleppy snake boat race – August

Alleppy – Pushing on

The heat is on

Malaysia with friends – September

Kuala Lumpur – Not on thin ice

On thin ice

Weekend at Ooty – October

Ooty – picture postcard window

Picture postcard window

Aihole, Pattadakkal, Badami and Bijapur – December

Badami – midday gossip

Who says men don't gossip?

Badami – the golden corridor

Golden corridor

Kalamadhyam fair at Chitra Kala Parishat – December

Lost in thought

4 thoughts on “Images of 2010

  1. Hey awesome moments you had…which are now frozen in beautiful frames! Great pictures…Pictures speak a 1000 words, yours do more! 😉

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