July 16, 2024

How to write

Since I regularly get emails asking for tips and advice on writing, here is a link to writer Shoba Narayan’s great piece on how to write (yeah, yeah, linking is not the same as blogging – just call me lazy).

Not to scare you but as she says, “No matter what kind of writer you become, realize that it is a painful lonely life.” I agree. Ergo, the discipline – routines, deadlines, timely queries, patient follow ups and such.

And today, Shoba has also linked to an interesting piece from Brain Pickings on routines for writers – I am heading there to read it now. You too?

While on this, here is a longish post I wrote a couple of years ago on breaking into travel writing (yes, that seemingly glamourous profession where you get to cavort across the world, all expenses paid. Not). Have a dekko.

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