July 16, 2024

Cambodia calling…

Cambodia seems to the flavor of the month – I may add, the hottest destination (considering it is the beginning of peak summer there and all that). In March alone, two of the most popular travel magazines, India Today Travel Plus and Outlook Traveler carried pieces on Cambodia. Specifically, the area around Siem Reap, home to the Angkor Wat group of temples. The former had a photo essay and the latter a cover story on IndoChina. And the travel story in this Sunday’s HT Brunch was surprise, surprise, Cambodia. I cannot ignore these calls… and so I am off to Siem Reap tomorrow for eight days, stopping by at Bangkok for more Wat-trips and shopping.

See you here mid April with photographs and memories…

5 thoughts on “Cambodia calling…

  1. Cambodia has been buzzing in my head since the last six months. If there is one place I’m desperate to go right now – Angkor would be it.

    You’ll come back and tell me how riotous it would be if I go there anytime before winter begins, won’t you ? (Too hot ? Too rainy ?)

    Have a great trip !

  2. Isn’t it terribly hot in this season?

    You have a good trip. Will look forward to reports, photos. Can never have enough of Angkor.

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