July 27, 2024

Belgian chocolate – the battle is lost even before it begins

I read this interesting post on Gadling about the true nature of the Bruges chocolate museum – basically describing it tacky propaganda. I did not visit the museum. One, museums are way too expensive in Europe. And two, there was chocolate everywhere in Bruges. If the idea was just to see, then every single shop window had tantalizing displays. It was just before Easter and Belgium was going crazy with the chocolate bunny motif. Cute toothy bunnies made of chocolate. What’s to complain? I can’t think of anything better I’d like to see on window displays.

The tough part comes now. Can you just look? And not buy? And die simultaneously of pleasure and guilt? And remember, this is Bruges – home to some of the best Belgian fries, eaten with mayonnaise (but that is a separate post by itself). So here it is – chocolate from Belgium. For your viewing pleasure. And hoping these will make you reach out for that nearest slab of chocolate. To hell with the diet!

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