July 16, 2024

A Lalbagh summer evening

One summer evening, I walked to Lalbagh (yes, I live within walking distance of both Lalbagh and Cubbon Park, the green spaces that make me glad I live in Bangalore), camera in hand. For a weekday, the park was buzzing with activity; mothers with children, vendors of fruit and ice-cream, tourists and Polaroid photographers waiting to freeze them on print, channa and bhutta walas, brisk evening walkers, lazy strollers and the quintessential couples on their rendezvous.

Here, a few images from then…

The temple on the small hillock is one of the most popular spots within Lalbagh.

I was trying out the selective colouring feature on my new point and shoot (which, as it happens, I never used after that first time)

Needless to say, kids have great fun running and playing at Lalbagh, some rubbish rules notwithstanding…

Another popular spot inside Lalbagh – the glasshouse – backdrop for many a family photograph

On hot evenings, all of Bangalore finds its way to the green cool open spaces of the park…

It’s all about the food, honey!

Canoodling couples are everywhere in Lalbagh… and really, can you blame them for wanting to be there?

5 thoughts on “A Lalbagh summer evening

  1. lovely!!! its been years since i visited lalbag! and the last time i did , i was a kid just like some of those you have captured! and it brought back some wonderful memories!

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